Providing and Receiving Feedback

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The following is good advice obtained on providing feedback and receiving feedback.

Providing Feedback to others

  • Things to consider when providing feedback
    • Constructive & reinforcing
    • Actionable
    • Timely
  • Three Category Approach
    • Facts
    • Results
    • Recommendations
  • Brick in / Brick out
    • For each Constructive feedback item provide a Reinforcing feedback item
  • Some study by some person mentioned the following metric:
    • For someone to “consume” a constructive feedback item then the ratio of reinforcing feedback to constructive feedback needs to be 2.8 (reinforcing) to 1 (constructive)

Receiving Feedback

  • Be appreciative to the person for providing feedback
  • Assume positive intent for the feedback and the person providing the feedback

Articles, Blog entries, and additional resources