Think Again

1 minute read

Think Again - The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know


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“The bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your beliefs and to know what you don’t know, which can position you for success at work and happiness at home. The difficulty of rethinking our assumptions is surprisingly common–maybe even fundamentally human … The new science of intellectual humility shows that as a mindset and a skillset, rethinking can be taught, and Grant explains how to develop the necessary qualities. The first section of the book explores why we struggle to think again and how we can improve individually, and argues that such engines of success as ‘grit’ can actually be counterproductive; the second section discusses how we can help others think again through the skill of ‘argument literacy’; and the third looks at how institutions like schools, business, and governments fall short in building cultures that encourage rethinking. In the end, it’s intellectual humility that makes it possible for us to stop denying our weaknesses so that we can start improving ourselves”– #1 New York Times Bestseller

Parts and Chapters

  • Part I. Individual Thinking (Updating Our Own Views)
    • Chapter 1
      • A Preacher, a Prosecutor, a Politician, and a Scientist Walk into Your Mind
    • Chapter 2
      • The Armchair Quarterback and the Impostor: Finding the Sweet Spot of Confidence
    • Chapter 3
      • The Joy of Being Wrong: The Thrill of Not Believing Everything You Think
    • Chapter 4
      • The Good Fight Club: The Psychology of Constructive Conflict
  • Part II. Interpersonal Rethinking (Opening Other People’s Minds)
    • Chapter 5
      • Dances with Foes: How to Win Debates and Influence People
    • Chapter 6
      • Bad Blood on the Diamond: Diminishing Prejudice by Destabilizing Stereotypes
    • Chapter 7
      • Vaccine Whisperers and Mild-Mannered Interrogators: How the Right Kind of Listening Motivates People to Change
  • Part III. Collective Rethinking (Creating Communities of Lifelong Learners)
    • Chapter 8
      • Charged Conversations: Depolarizing Our Divided Discussions
    • Chapter 9
      • Rewriting the Textbook: Teaching Students to Question Knowledge
    • Chapter 10
      • That’s Not the Way We’ve Always Done It: Building Cultures of Learning at Work
  • Part IV. Conclusion
    • Chapter 11
      • Escaping Tunnel Vision: Reconsidering Our Best-Laid Career and Life Plans
    • Actions for Impact

Tony’s Detailed Notes

Detailed Notes